Friday, June 18, 2010

Viva México, Cabrones

Mexico 2, France 0. Take that, First World.

All the kids were running around during the first goal (62nd minute), which was an amazing clean goal, and I had invaded another teacher's classroom to watch the magic happen... his student didn't have homework for that very reason (they had made a bet: if Mexico wins the game, I won't give you homework). The guy who scored is called "El Chícharo," or, "The little pea", and he's very popular with my kids. The second was a penalty kick by Cuauhtemoc (GPG: KWAO-te-mock) Blanco, also lovely but a lot less exciting than an in-game goal, don't you think?


Matt Spitz said...

Finally, the Maximilian Affair is avenged.

Sister Cat said...

booyah austria. booyah france. stick it to ya.

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